Options for interaction are limited only by my availability & your ability to pay me for my valuable expertise & time.
Regular, owned slaves are subject to their own personalized recurring tribute schedule that allows for much more freedom of interaction.
Inquire about regular servitude here
Sessions are available via phone and camera. Inquiries can be made via admin@rumdolor.com to secure an appointment.
Custom art work is also available for a fixed rate
Custom Audio:
Short Instructions - $25 and up
Fully Produced Hypnosis Audio:
Beginning at $100
Inquire for details.
You provide the script:
Beginning at $40, inquire for details,
subject to approval
Custom Video:
Some content extra, inquire via email.
Beginning at $100
Inquire for details.
Texting, Clip & Picture Sessions:
Send $50 & an email with your app of choice + screen name to receive a friend request from me.

Below is a comprehensive list of ways to get my attention & time. My time is exclusive & making appointments in advance is the only way to guarantee a certain timeslot.
Want to be considered as a long-term pet & side-step tit for tat for something more intimate? Submit a request. Wish to book me directly? Piecemeal interaction rates are available above & paid for via one of the methods below.
Good boys send payment first & introduce themselves after.
First impressions mean everything.

To send cash tribute or payment via other means send an email to Admin@RumDolor.com with the subject:
"Trying to Pay: [your name]"
& I shall grant you a payment address.
Amazon GC can be purchased via my wishlist below & are appreciated as gifts but never payment.
Tribute/Gift only methods are in bold, all others can be used for both gifts & payment.
Cash.Me, Venmo, Revolut & GooglePay all offer anonymity with the right settings. No names required.