An opportunity, gentlemen.
This is how you will make your introduction & humbly entreat me to look your way. Whether or not you'll be found worthy of basking in my light is my prerogative. You provide the evidence, the argument & the incentive. I decide your fate. I don’t anticipate polish but I expect fervor, a receptivity and above all, fealty.
This is not a show.
I am not a mirage.
Consider this an opportunity to submit yourself for my consideration. Grounds for rejection are legion. First impressions mean everything. You’re desperate to be noticed. Make yourself notable.
To be explicit: It is unlikely your inquiry will be read without tribute attached

This form is for paying submissives applying to connect with me virtually. Do not use this form to solicit me for personal inquiries. I will not date you; not now, not ever.
For the supplicant determined to cede his agency now, I offer thorough applications to put our relationship on the fast-track to total power exchange. Send $200 [suggestions are always minimums] to earn an application & post-application video audience.